
Result describes an http response. Results are translated into actual http responses when the http app is bound to the express app instance.

export interface Result<A extends object | Buffer | string | undefined = any> {
contentType?: string
body: A
status: httpStatus
headers?: { [key: string]: string }
cookies?: Cookie[]
clearCookies?: Cookie[]
action?: [ resultAction, string] | [ resultAction, string, object] | [ resultAction, string, object, (error: any, html: any) => void ]
map: <B extends object | Buffer | string | undefined = any>(f: (_: Result<A>) => Result<B>) => Result<B>

Example usage

import { Result, httpStatus, OK } from 'Light-Arrow/server/result'
// construct succesful result with status code 200
const result = OK({ data, object })
const resultTwo = Result(httpStatus.OK, { data, object )
Interfaces and enumsDescription
Result<A extends body = any>Represents a http response.
CookieRepresents a http response.
resultActionRepresents a http response.
httpStatusRepresents a http response.
withCookies<A extends Result<any>>(cookies: Cookie[]) => (a: A) => A & { cookies: Cookie[];
clearCookies<A extends Result<any>>(cookies: ClearCookie[]) => (a: A) => A & { clearCookies:ClearCookie[];}
withContentType<A extends Result<any>>(contentType: string) => (a: A) => A & {contentType: string;}
withHeaders<A extends Result<any>>(headers: {[key: string]: string;}) => (a: A) => A & {headers: {[x: string]: string;};}
withAction<A extends Result<any>>(action: [resultAction, string] \ [resultAction, string, object]) => (a: A) => A & {action: [resultAction, string] \ [resultAction, string, object];}